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It's a while before Strategy RPG Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero launches in 2025, apparently even longer for PC users as the game will launch first on consoles before coming to PC at a time later in the year, but NIS America wants to share more details about the characters you'll meet and the systems at play in the game.

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero follows the story of Marona, a young girl who has the mysterious ability to contact Phantoms, the spirits of those who have died, who will help her along her journey.

From Left to Right: Rouen, Henna, Urumi, Mayfair

So let's dive a little deeper into some of the characters you'll meet in Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero.

First up we have Rouen, first mate of the Argento Pirate Crew, a sarcastic but kind individual, who lost his life along with the rest of his crew in a battle against the Shipwreck Fleet.

Then comes Henna, the former queen of the Hasara Kingdom. Losing her life in a coup d'etat, Henna has the unique ability to control others and make them her servants.

Urumi is a young boy who has the power to control the climate around him. He is very powerful and is often referred to as a "devil" by nearby inhabitants who fear him.

Finally, we have Mayfair, a member of another pirate crew. She protects the island of Versailles from poachers and is protective of those around her.

Now let's take a look at some of the abilities and gameplay mechanics you'll be able to use in the game.

Protection is a unique gameplay mechanic, allowing characters to "link" to objects on the map, gaining power from such objects. These can be anything such as rocks or bricks, which could give you a boost to your attack damage for example. Destroying the object will cause the buff to be removed from whoever is linked to it. However, you can also link yourself to it by using your Confine ability.

Lines indicate what characters are linked to what objects

What is quite unique for such a game, is the ability to throw opponents and items out of bounds. This is known as O.B. Throwing a character out of bounds will cause them to take a hit to their HP, which can be a good way to deal with stronger enemies that you can't damage very well with conventional means. Throwing an item off the map will destroy it.


Finally, you will be able to equip items that you find on the battlefield. If you don't have a weapon, you can grab a tree or a plant, maybe even a rock to use against your foes. You can also attempt to steal a weapon held by an enemy if one takes your fancy.

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is shaping up to be an interesting game, what do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below!

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is due to ship on Steam in 2025.

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Oliver Stogden
Oliver began playing video games at an early age, starting with the SNES console and Commodore Amiga computer. Nowadays, his interest is in the future of portable technology, such as handheld gaming systems, portable power stations/banks, and portable monitors. And seeing just how far we can push these devices.
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