Are you a nerd? Do you enjoy puzzle games? If so, Epic's next free game for the holiday season is going to be right up your alley! To celebrate Christmas and the New Year, Epic is giving away a free game every day, and today, the game they are giving away is Human Resource Machine!

This older game from 2015 is a puzzle game where you will program office workers to complete jobs given to you by your boss. Don't worry if you haven't programmed before, it is simplified, but if you do have experience, there will be some extra little challenges in it for you, too. The visuals are very similar to World of Goo and Little Inferno's art style due to it coming from the same developers, and it highlights more of what makes this game so unique!
While it is rated Verified on the Steam Deck and on sale on Steam for $5.09, it doesn't seem to have controller support directly. On ProtonDB, there are a lot of reports saying it is running flawlessly without any issues, so it may have support that hasn't been linked up correctly with Steam. Regardless, this should be a great experience on the Deck, and it has a native Linux version!
You can get Human Resource Machine for free to keep on Epic for the next 11 hours before the next game unlocks, and this one goes back to its sale price. You can redeem the game on the Epic Games Store. To play games from Epic on the Deck, you will need to either install the Heroic Games Launcher, which you can find on the Discover Store, or install the client directly, which you can do easily through a 3rd party script.
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