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Selaco is by far one of my favorite first-person shooters to play on the Steam Deck. The team at Altered Orbit Studios has crushed it and somehow repurposed the GZDoom engine in ways I didn't expect. It's amazing to play it on the go, and recently, they finally got their Verified badge after fixing an issue that could cause crashes! The new major update that was just released further improves compatibility with the Deck.

The new 0.85 update celebrates its three-month anniversary, and with it, we have two Steam Deck-specific fixes. The fullscreen option has been completely removed from the options due to it causing crashes, and we also have a new quality of life improvement where tapping the weapon wheel button will automatically select the previous weapon, while holding it opens the wheel.
We have a huge list of reworks, changes, and improvements outside of the two listed above. There have been additional checkpoints added to levels, grenade throwing has been reworked to throw faster and new logic, backpack reloading has been implemented, smart ammo pickups are implemented (so the ammo pickups won't be wasted if you don't need all the ammo), stagger and dodging has been reworked, you can now see explosive charges on the automap, difficulty can be adjusted mid-campaign and new mutators have been added!
There really are a ton of new improvements and fixes in this update, so check out the Steam Community Post for the full changelog.

Selaco is on sale for $19.99 (20% Off) until September 6th and is rated Steam Deck Verified. You can also check out our Steam Deck Review to see how it runs on Deck and what we think of the game.
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