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I'm not one for fantasy games myself, but there's a reason it's one of the best-selling genres out there, and Fanatical is giving you the chance to grab these games for as little as $1 each in their latest Triple Pack Bundle. With titles like Hammerwatch Anniversary Edition, Coromon, and For The King, they're bargains that shouldn't be missed!
Check out the rest of the bundle games down below and see what catches your eye!

Fanatical Build Your Own Triple Pack - Fantasy Bundle Contents:
- Hammerwatch Anniversary Edition (Playable)
- Shields of Loyalty (Unknown)
- Cthulhu Saves Christmas (Playable)
- Warhammer: Chaosbane - Slayer Edition (Unsupported, Reported working on ProtonDB)
- Roguebook (Playable)
- Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy (Playable)
- Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure (Unknown)
- Jewel Match Twilight Triple Pack (All 3 Games rated Unknown)
- Monsters' Den Collection Bundle (Contains Unsupported, Unknown, & Playable Games)
- Styx: Shards of Darkness (Unsupported, Reported as working on ProtonDB)
- Jewel Match Twilight 3 Collector's Edition (Unknown)
- The Book of Warriors (Playable)
- Styx: Master of Shadows (Verified)
- Ancient Enemy (Playable)
- The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition (Unknown, Has Native Linux Build and has been reported as Working)
- Deathtrap Dungeon Trilogy (Playable)
- Telepath Tactics Liberated (Verified)
- Spooky Bonus (Unsupported, reported as working on ProtonDB)
- Mordheim: City of the Damned (Verified)
- Fighting Fantasy Legends (Verified)
- Doomed Lands (Unsupported, Confirmed not working on ProtonDB)
- Smoke and Sacrifice (Playable)
- Coromon (Verified)
- Catizens (Unknown, reported as working on ProtonDB)
- Dreamscaper (Verified)
- For The King (Playable)
- Anuchard (Playable)
- Dark Deity (Verified)
As this bundle is built around a triple pack, there's only one tier of pricing for this one, meaning you have to purchase a minimum of 3 games, but once you do, they're all $1 each.
- 3+ games for £/$/€1.00 each
Some of the games in the bundle don't work on Steam Deck, but there are plenty that do. Grabbing games like For The King and Coromon for just $1 is an absolute bargain, and they're games well worth checking out on the Steam Deck.
Let us know in the comments below if you've picked up any of the titles from this bundle!
The Fanatical links above are using an affiliate link, which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.
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