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With the gold medals coming when the Paris 2024 Olympics begins tomorrow, Humble has decided to get in the spirit with a new bundle filled with some athletic games! The Gold Medal Games Summer 2024 Bundle has 7 different titles, and a DLC coupon, all about games that include exercise in some way. From skating to Tennis to Surfing and Basketball, this deal includes everything you may want to get in the sporty spirit, without playing the sports themselves!

Humble Gold Medal Games Summer 2024 Bundle Contents:
$30 Tier + Everything Below
- Skater XL (Verified)
- Matchpoint Tennis Championships (Verified)
- Barton Lynch Pro Surfing (Playable)
$15 Tier + Everything Below
- NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (Playable)
- PGA Tour 2K23 (Playable)
$12 Tier
- Session: Skate Sim (Verified)
- Descenders (Playable)
- Session Year 1 Pack 20% Off Coupon
I think this is an awesome deal. I do love some skate games, and Skater XL + Session are both pretty great, and I am a sucker for sports games like Basketball and Tennis. Including Golf is a nice one as well, and Descenders can be really addicting to play on the Steam Deck. This is a great way to increase your Steam Deck library with some wonderful games, and I definitely wouldn't pass this one up!
The Humble links above are using an affiliate link, which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.
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Ah yeah. humble. they're the ones who just laid off their entire studio team. I must rush to give them my cash now.
Humble Games laid off their publishing team, as sad as it is, that's business sometimes. Likely it wasn't profitable, as Humble Games had employees laid off in 2023 as well, so it was on a downhill trajectory.
The reality is every company you buy from will have laid off staff at some point or other.