GloriousEggroll released the next version of Proton GE yesterday! This one focused primarily on updating the components included (dxvk, vkd3d, media converter), rebasing wine staging, and tuning up some protonfixes:

  • Pull in upstream build changes from proton experimental
  • update dxvk-nvapi
  • update dxvk
  • update vkd3d
  • update media converter
  • update wine to latest proton experimental bleeding edge
  • rebase wine staging
  • dxvk: add launcher fix for secret world:legends
  • protonfixes: add d3d9_43 and 11_43 winetricks for secret world: legends (thanks zerodogg)
  • protonfixes: remove no longer needed fps cap for king of fighters (applied in dxvk directly instead, thanks Bitwolfies)
  • protonfixes: remove no longer needed EAC workaround for SQUAD (thanks mikk150)
  • protonfixes: add protonfix for Skeleton Boomerang (thanks xperia64)
  • protonfixes: add protonfix for Re-Volt (thanks mthsk)

You can view the changelog on Github. And if you don't have Proton GE, or not sure what it is, check out our guide! It goes over what it is, why it is important, and how to get it on your Deck!

Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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