Like many others, I am a fan of having the ability customize just about every aspect of the Steam Deck I can. Today, that trend continues in an incredible way with SteamGridDB introducing their Decky Loader plugin! This plugin, in a nutshell, will allow you to change all the artwork for your Steam games, non-steam shortcuts, and mods, on the fly.
To install this, you must first install Decky Loader, which you can do by following their instructions on the Github page (our Decky guide will come soon to our website). After doing so, go to their store and scroll all the way down, where you will see the SteamGridDB plugin and can install it!

Once it is installed, there is nothing else you need to change! Now when hovering over the game and pressing the start button, or if you are looking at a game's preferences, you will see a "Change Artwork" option. Clicking that will then bring you to a new menu where you can change every piece of artwork associated with the game on Steam, including the icon. All you do is click "A" on whichever ones you want and it will automatically apply. You can also use the bar at the top to change the preview size.

You can also filter artwork in a multitude of ways to find the kind of pieces you want!

You can also manage and see each assigned piece of artwork you have in the "Manage" section. This will allow you to look at them all at once and from there, you can go back to the default images (trashcan), browse local custom files (file icon), or use invisible assets (eye icon).

Thanks to this, there is no more need for going to desktop mode anymore! A huge congrats to the SteamGridDB team for getting this one out, we can't wait to use it more.

This is awesome! One of the best plugins on decky!