One of the few 4X games I still actively play on the Steam Deck, other than Civilization 5, is Old World. The game is extremely fun and keeps me hooked and my friends hooked whenever we are playing a match. Currently, a new update is being tested that will bring with it a lot of fixes and new additions, and one of these fixes is related directly to the Steam Deck!


It appears that the developers of Old World, Mohawk Games, are testing some new scaling options for the Steam Deck that include higher defaults. This means that the UI will be larger in its default setting. With the Deck having a significantly smaller screen than normal PCs utilize with monitors, the larger scaling helps tremendously to combat this. And, with games that use a lot of UI elements to convey a plethora of information, this is wonderful to have.

Along with this test update, there are new random map options that are being added. This will make the map you play on much more unique, as they are changing the density of resources and city sites, how many city sites appear, and a random option for the general size. There is also new support for events that can be triggered solely by the AI; the heir name selection will popup on the birth of a first heir, and new support for preset characters with suffixes is coming. There is also a new popup for the announcement of their next DLC, Wonders, and Dynasties, that has been added!

There are a lot more fixes and additions, which you can check out in the full changelog that has been posted on their Steam Community. If you want to test out these new changes, you can opt into the test branch in the beta section of the game's preferences.

Old World is currently available on multiple storefronts, including:

  • Steam - $39.99
  • Epic - $26.79
  • Humble (Steam Code) - $31.99 (with Humble Choice Subscription)

The Epic and Humble links above are using an affiliate link, which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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