Ok... here we go... Humble Bundle has just unveiled the Capcom Cup: Fighters and Arcade Classics bundle. This bundle contains over 70 classics from Capcom's catalog, from Street Fighter to Mega Man, Final Fight to Ghouls 'n Ghosts!
It's an impressive collection, to say the least, and if you were a fan of Capcom's arcade classics, you absolutely do not want to miss out on this bundle.
The bundle is in aid of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, which uses its funds to pay for critical treatment, pediatric medical equipment, and healthcare services across the US and Canada.

Wish me luck, I shall now list all the games in the bundle. If it stops somewhere along the way, it means I died of old age. Let us begin!
Pay at least $2 for the following:
- Ultra Street Fighter® IV (Unsupported)
- COUPON 34% OFF - Street Fighter 6 (Verified)
Pay at least $20 for these additional 68 items:
- Street Fighter V - Champion Edition (Playable)
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (Unsupported)
- Capcom Arcade Stadium (Verified)
- Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium (Verified)
The following titles are DLC add-ons for Capcom Arcade Stadium and Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium included in the $20 tier:
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition
- STREET FIGHTER II' - Hyper Fighting
- STREET FIGHTER II - The World Warrior
- Street Fighter Alpha 3
- Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
- Street Fighter
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
- Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix
- Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
- Mega Man: The Power Battle
- Battle Circuit
- Ghouls 'n Ghosts
- Ghosts 'n Goblins
- 1944 - The Loop Master
- 19XX - The War Against Destiny
- 1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen
- 1943 - The Battle of Midway
- 1942
- 1941 - Counter Attack
- Progear
- Giga Wing
- Three Wonders
- A.K.A Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
- Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
- Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
- A.K.A Knights of the Round
- A.K.A Magic Sword
- A.K.A The King of Dragons
- Saturday Night Slam Masters
- Black Tiger
- Tatakai no Banka
- Tiger Road
- Hissatsu Buraiken
- Capcom Sports Club
- Last Duel
- Rally 2011 LED Storm
- The Speed Rumbler
- VARTH - Operation Thunderstorm
- Savage Bees
- Senjo no OkamiII
- Eco Fighters
- Hyper Dyne Side Arms
- A.K.A Block Block
- Pnickies
- Gan Sumoku
- Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor Equipment
A lot of these titles are DLC add-on games for CAPCOM Arcade Stadium and CAPCOM Arcade 2nd Stadium, for these titles, we haven't included their Steam Deck compatibility rating. The Arcade Stadium games themselves are Verified on Steam Deck, however, so we imagine that most, if not all of the games will work on the Deck.
As you can see, there are 2 tiers of the bundle available. A cheap $2 tier grants you Ultra Street Fighter IV, as well as a 34% Coupon for Street Fighter 6, and the larger $20 tier mostly grants you older CAPCOM arcade titles, but there are some stellar games in there for sure.
What do you think, is this bundle a good deal? Let us know in the comments below!
The Humble links above are using an affiliate link, which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.
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Surprised to see this kind of praise for Capcom on a Steam Deck-focused website. Take one look at the Steam reviews section for any of these games and you'll find that they either run poorly or don't run at all on the Steam Deck because of Capcom's anti-consumer DRM they're retroactively adding to many of their games. You're better off donating straight to the Children's Miracle Network hospitals.
There is no undue praise for Capcom here. In reality there's only 4-5 games in the bundle, some of which are not supported on Steam Deck, some of which are, and do run fine.
We are a news website, and so will present news, whether or not we personally agree with a certain company's practices or not. You won't find a single large company that hasn't done an anti-consumer act before, it doesn't mean we stop reporting news featuring them.
Fair enough, I guess I misread.
You're good, like I said, we can't report with personal feelings or bias. I personally don't like DRM being added that affects the Steam Deck, although I did test 3 of the games out after you posted your comment and all 3 worked for me on my Steam Deck, so at least in this case, the DRM (if it is present here) isn't affecting the games, seemingly.
Thank you for looking into that! Steam reviews can be overreaction zones sometimes.