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The city-building card game Technotopia, developed by Lawar and Yutas, is set to launch on Steam on October 23rd, 2024. You take on the role of Iris, an AI architect entrusted with creating the ideal metropolis, in this futuristic city management game. Managing urban chaos and juggling conflicting factions will be crucial in determining whether your city thrives as a utopia or collapses into ruin. I already know that my city will be an unmitigated disaster!

Ignore the incorrect release date at the end of the trailer. The release date is officially 23rd Oct.

An Original Approach to City-Building

In Technotopia, you must use strategic card play to construct tall skyscrapers, parks, and transit systems in a futuristic world on the brink of collapse. Along with navigating the goals of four influential groups—capitalists, aristocrats, politicians, and the general populace—you'll also need to deal with unforeseen circumstances like gang activity, natural disasters, and fires.

The developers are promising that every choice in the game has a significant impact, and in order to preserve the city, you must strike a balance between the demands of various factions. Whether you're building a vital district or mediating between warring factions, every card you play has the potential to make or break your strategy.

Technotopia promises a new interpretation of the genre with its blend of faction politics, card strategy, and city management. If playing God as a city builder tickles your power fantasy itch, you can Wishlist the game now on Steam ahead of its release.

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Paul Farrelly
A seasoned gamer and passionate writer. From his early days of learning sword fighting with Guybrush, to exploring the latest in VR, Paul’s gaming journey is vast and varied. With a deep love for single-player, story-driven games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Elden Ring, Ico and The Last of Us, he brings a warm, conversational style to his reviews and recommendations.
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