One of my favorite shooters I have played on the Steam Deck, and one I have recommended for the longest time, is DUSK. The action, atmosphere, and vibes all create a great experience that runs flawlessly on the Steam Deck LCD at 60 FPS. Recently, developer New Blood Interactive announced that the iconic game was getting an HD overhaul, making its models cleaner and visuals more pronounced. Today, that update has been released, and it's better than I expected.

If you own the game, all you have to do is add the DLC to your library, and you should see "DUSK HD" as an option when you click "Play." On the Steam Deck, you will need to force DUSK to run with Proton (8.0-4 works fine) due to it only showing up for Windows versions of the game and not the native Linux. Once you do, you can play as normal and it feels like a night and day difference. Testing it on the Steam Deck OLED, it is running flawlessly at 90hz/FPS with around 8.5W - 9W battery drain in most areas, but larger ones could drop framerate to 75 FPS. It could jump up later on in different parts, and I plan to keep on playing to find out.

New Blood, instead of stopping here, decided to take things a step further and show off just how great of a studio they are in an industry plagued by uncertainty. DUSK is going to be completely moddable, which requires a full rewrite of the engine and game from scratch. This is almost done and should be available soon. But this, as well as the HD overhaul, was primarily worked on by two developers, Ben Moir and David Bonin. To thank them for their hard work that spanned years, all profits of DUSK this month will be split between the two of them.

And with DUSK on sale for $6.79, this is the perfect reason to buy it right now!

To top it off, the team used three external contractors to help with new enemy and weapon models, as well as animations. With an industry filled with layoffs, I am happy to say these developers were hired as full-time employees with New Blood instead. With my X feed filled with amazing people looking for new work after being laid off, this was a wonderful surprise.

Ever since I first played DUSK, I knew I was a fan of the developers. But after seeing their demeanor and the care they have for their developers, New Blood has become one of my favorites and surpassed many with how they conduct themselves.

DUSK can be purchased on Steam for $6.79 right now, and I highly recommend checking out some of New Blood's other great games, including Gloomwood, AMID EVIL, and ULTRAKILL. This is the kind of action and behavior that deserves support!

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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