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Atlas Fallen is finally receiving its Reign of Sand update, which brings with it an overhaul of content making it ideal for both new players and returning ones alike, and can be enjoyed in both solo and co-op play.
Before we dive into what's new in the Reign of Sand update, let's check out the update's launch trailer:
So what does the Reign of Sand update bring to the table then?
A new area has been added, accessed by mysterious portals, the Source is a twisted realm where you'll meet new challenges and be able to unleash powerful Wraith abilities. You'll meet new enemies such as the Morpher and Transmuter.
New Game+ is now in the game, where you can restart the game, whilst keeping your progression, gear, and skills, all the while discovering new enemies, mechanics, and ways to progress the game. If you want an extra challenge, there's a new harder difficulty called "Nyaal's Nightmare", which is exclusive to New Game+ playthroughs.
25 New perks and abilities have been added.
New open-world challenges have been added, allowing you to engage in Corruption Breaches for special rewards.
The game's introduction and voice acting have also been redone, with new voice actors being brought in to provide voices for some of the characters, including the male playable character.
That's not all, there's also new armor, customization options, improved graphics, reworked UI, sounds, and the regular fixes that you might expect from an update of this size.
The developers also stress that while you can carry on with an existing character, it might be best to start a new playthrough to get the best experience.
You can view the full Reign of Sand patch notes on Atlas Fallen's Steam news page.
Atlas Fallen is available on Steam for $39.99, although it is available at a 50% discount until August 13th, 2024, so you can get it for $19.99 right now. The game is rated as Playable on the Steam Deck, according to Valve's testing, which we confirmed in our own review of Atlas Fallen.
Will you be diving back into Atlas Fallen for the Reign of Sand update? Let us know in the comments below!
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