Edit: Moon Studios did reach out and confirmed to us that this was because of a future patch and the game should not have gotten Verified yet. They didn't elaborate on when this patch would be public.

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I love playing games on the Steam Deck. It is easily my favorite way to play, and I love being able to take all these games on the go with me. I love seeing newer releases care about and discuss playing on the Steam Deck; this includes No Rest for the Wicked. The developer, Moon Studios, wants us to be able to play it on the go, and I would also love that, but it just isn't there yet. Too many performance drops and high RAM usage lead to freezes or crashes. And yet, somehow, the game got a Verified badge. While it was revoked and now has a Playable rating, it’s still worrisome.


The Verified badge, which comes directly from Valve, designates games that work well on the Steam Deck and could be classified as “great experiences.” It appears as a green checkmark on the Steam storefront, and while it’s nice to see, it isn’t always accurate.

Undoubtedly, I have been a bit of a critic of the Steam Deck Verified system. I have found verified games that had major issues, while unsupported-rated titles run wonderfully with no specific case as to why they have this rating. Unfortunately, it seems like No Rest for the Wicked falls under this category, and it just highlights the issues I have always had with this system.


For a quick timeline, No Rest for the Wicked has been released on early access on Steam since April 18th and has had a couple of major optimization updates. It still had some performance issues, including RAM usage crashes and freezes. On June 19th, the game got a Verified rating out of nowhere, and then on June 21st, it was brought down to “Playable” due to small in-game text.

Both ratings should indicate that a game is essentially a “great experience” on the Steam Deck, right? Well, I can’t say it is playable without changing some necessary settings in the BIOS or using a third-party tool.


I tested No Rest for the Wicked on my Steam Deck OLED yesterday after the game was rated Playable, and within 3 minutes, I had a freeze from RAM usage. All I was doing was running around, not fighting any enemies, and when I jumped into a river, my game completely froze. It did stay at 30 FPS the whole time, so I will give it that, but just running around the world and prompting freezes is not what I would call a “great experience.” You can change the UMA Buffer to 4G or use CryoUtilities to mitigate some of these, but when I did this in the past, it was still possible to encounter these freezes.

So, why would this get a rating indicating an enjoyable time on the Deck when freezes are common? Well, that one I don’t have the answer to. It could be a pre-emptive rating because of a patch coming that would fix these issues, or it could just be a lapse in Valve’s testing. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a game get a Verified rating with major issues (Remnant 2 was rated Verified before it was optimized and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 still has huge graphical artifacting), so I wouldn’t be completely surprised.

Unfortunately, this makes it hard to trust the system and what Verified really means. Personally, I think it is a good indicator of whether a game will run or not, but it's not an indicator of a "great experience," and in No Rest for the Wicked's case, it brings up the issue of if a game needs to be able to avoid hard freezes during gameplay. It does justify why we exist to actually test games, so I will say that's a plus for us.

And this isn’t a dig at the game. No Rest for the Wicked has a ton of potential and is in early access, so it’s in active development. I greatly appreciate that Moon Studios is releasing tons of patches and dedicating the time to make it more playable on the Steam Deck. But there’s no way that the current state of the game should be Verified, and I’d say it maybe shouldn’t be Playable either without noting that freezes can occur that require you to reboot the system.


I look forward to playing the game portably in the future, but there’s no way it’s a good experience just yet.

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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