Hey there and welcome to another project update! I feel like I have done so many lately, but I realized today that it has only been 1 week and SO MUCH WORK HAS BEEN DONE! This update will primarily be about what we have accomplished and updated since launching the website live 1 week ago and making that post on Reddit.
While there haven't been any new reviews since launch, which will change dramatically very soon, there has been significant overhauls to the website itself. This includes a full UI overhaul, backend automation to make posting so much easier, and added features we can now use to customize our reviews with things like comparison image sliders (Which will be used for the first time in the next review).
The Home Page now has a much more appealing banner with latest news, tips and guides, and reviews. Each review page also has the recommended build to the right with the written next to it, and scrolling down will still reveal other builds we come up with during our testing. We also created an internal rating system to give a "SDHQ Score" to each game, which is rated on 4 different categories: Performance/Stability, Visuals, Battery, and Playability/Controls. This will be expanded upon and used as a framework later on to allow the community to rate our builds as well! (This will be a membership feature down the road).
On top of that, I ordered a new capture card that will allow me to record direct feed from the Steam Deck in native resolution! This will be used for future performance comparison videos for our builds vs default, tutorials, and much more. Doing this will give me the ability to show exactly what it will look like when you are playing and highlight differences from framerate, temps, and battery usage across the board. There are also some other ideas to expand into YouTube which we will be going over in the coming weeks. That is all for today on this update though!
The mobile version of the site has been overhauled as well, including tabs to see different aspects of the reviews and optimizations.
Just a small little update about the big changes just 1 WEEK from going live. A big thank you again to Bitterjay for all of his hard work on this incredible overhaul. Don't forget to join the Discord server as well to talk to us directly, chat with other Deck owners, and more! We are also currently giving away a copy of Ghostrunner on the server so head on over to enter.
We have tons of plans for the future as well including expanded reviews, memberships, and much more involving other social media like YouTube and Twitch. Go ahead to the top right of the page and give us a follow to stay up-to-date.
Thank you guys again for all of your support and have a great day!