One of the absolute first games I tried on the Steam Deck as soon as I got it was Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator. I adored the game when it was released, playing it religiously while in early access. Unfortunately, while it had gamepad support already, it never felt at home on the Deck, with some small bugs here and there. But it looks like I will need to give it another try, as today's new update brought in some nice improvements for the Steam Deck.

Potion Craft 1

The two biggest features that were either added or fixed for the Steam Deck are the controller/gamepad support and touchscreen support. The gamepad controls have been improved and are turned on by default, something that it didn't do in the past. The touch screen is now supported, too, which means you can fling items around and grind with your finger, which may feel a bit more satisfying. Both of these, but mostly the former, fix almost all the issues I had with the game on the Deck, so I need to go give it another shot now.

As for the rest of the Potion Craft update, there were a lot of nice bug fixes and minor changes to make gameplay smoother and easier to comprehend. Most game mechanics used to be dependent on framerate, which meant some aspects may be slower on lower-framerate playthroughs, but this has been completely fixed as well. There was also a solid amount of optimization, which includes faster and smoother loading, general optimization, and the game uses significantly less memory when running. All of these will make for a more seamless experience and help a lot on Deck, too.

You can view the full changelog over on the Steam Community Post.

Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator is on sale now for $8.99 until December 16th and is rated Verified. While this wasn't as accurate before, it seems the badge may be in its rightful place after this update! There's only one way to find out, though.

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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