A couple of days ago, Capcom updated Monster Hunter Rise, and it unfortunately broke compatibility with the Steam Deck. And while Valve was quick to release a Proton Hotfix to get it launching again, there were still some issues that users were coming in contact with. Well, I am happy to say that Capcom has now released a patch that aims to fix the Steam Deck issues that are plaguing the game!

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In a Steam event post for the game, Capcom went over their new patch and what it entailed while also going over an issue that was reported, which caused the game to stop running on the Steam Deck. One day after it was initially posted, they edited the post to add that a patch was released to fix the game not running on the Deck.

While it does suck to see compatibility broken so quickly, I believe Capcom deserves some credit for quickly getting a patch out to fix this issue. Yes, Valve did step in with a Proton Hotfix to address the issue, too, but I love seeing a huge company like Capcom work so quickly to push out an update to fix an issue that affects a smaller percentage of their players.

Monster Hunter Rise is available on Steam for $39.99.

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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