To celebrate International Women's Day, Humble has brought out the Humble Heroine bundle and it is an incredible one. Featuring some amazing games like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Sable, and Control Ultimate Edition, the bundle costs $15 and I have to say...this bundle is WELL wroth it!

Humble Heroines Bundle Contents:
Control Ultimate Edition (Verified)
Syberia: The World Before (Playable)
Praey for the Gods (Verified)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Verified)
Batora: Lost Haven (Verified)
Sable (Verified)
Dreamscaper (Verified)
Call of the Sea (Verified)
I would genuinely say that this bundle is worth it alone just for Control, but to have the other 7 with it makes this a steal. If you have $15, do your Steam Deck library a favor and get this bundle, even if it is just for Control!
The Humble Bundle links above are using an affiliate link which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.
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