Do you remember the last time you woke up and looked out of your bedroom window, only to find that a multitude of flying saucers was descending from the sky and threatening the destruction of your planet? Hopefully it doesn't happen to you too often, but to get yourself ready for such an eventuality, this latest Humble Bundle should provide you all the practice you need, it's the Earth Defense Force UNITED! Bundle! And you guessed, it's full of Earth Defense Force titles!

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Then read on below to see what's included in the bundle!

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Earth Defense Force UNITED! Bundle Contents:

All of these games are rated as "Playable" by Valve's testing, although you can always check for yourself how these games run by searching them up on ProtonDB.

There are 3 tiers for this bundle, so let's go over them now:

  • $18 for all 26 items in the bundle
  • $12 for 22 items, you miss out on World Brothers and EDF 5, as well as 2 pieces of DLC.
  • $5 for 2 items, this gives you both EDF 4.1 games.
  • $1 for 1 item, EDF 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

I've not played the EDF games, but EDF 5 and EDF 4.1 Shadow of New Despair are both very well received on Steam, so they might be worth checking out, especially as EDF 4.1 Shadow of New Despair can be got for as little as $1 in this bundle!

Let us know if you picked up the bundle and what you think of it in the comments below!

The Humble links above are using an affiliate link, which gives us a little back from sales at no extra charge to you. All proceeds go back into SDHQ and its development.

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Oliver Stogden
Oliver began playing video games at an early age, starting with the SNES console and Commodore Amiga computer. Nowadays, his interest is in the future of portable technology, such as handheld gaming systems, portable power stations/banks, and portable monitors. And seeing just how far we can push these devices.
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