Yakuza 3 Remastered

Posted:  Jan 10, 2023
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Yakuza 3 Remastered picks up right where Kiwami 2 left off. Kiryu has earned his retirement and settled taking care of an orphanage on the beaches of Okinawa. Unfortunately, a power struggle falls on his doorsteps and he must step back to Kamuorcho and try to escape the past for good. With the gameplay-staples of the series, you will be roaming around the streets in hand-to-hand combat, leveling up, and experiencing the fantastic story.

Yakuza 3: Optimizing the Remaster

While every Yakuza game has been running well so far, we have to see if the streak can continue, and I can happily say it does! At max settings, the game can't perform as well and consistently hits high temperatures and battery drain around 23W - 24W with sub 30 FPS. But if we change a couple settings, we can get a TDP of 8 with high settings, 95% render scale, and a smooth 50 FPS that feels fantastic to use.

The recommended build consists of high settings, maximum LOD distance, and with the new render scale and TDP limit, we can get a smooth framerate with around 3 hours of battery. I would say this is the best compromise with battery, framerate, and visual quality.

On top of that, we can push the game a bit further in both directions with a focus on the highest quality possible and a 60 FPS framerate! Starting with the quality build, I wanted to push above 100% render scale and keep the highest settings. With a little bit higher TDP limit (11) and a 40 framerate cap, this can be achieved with the game looking more sharp than before.

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For the framerate build, by turning the render scale down to 85% and keeping relatively similar settings to the recommended list, we can push TDP to 10 and play at a solid 60 FPS. It is a little bit blurrier, but overall, that smoothness can win out.


I did notice that going into new areas does create some framerate stutters, but this dissipated pretty quickly. It was also made a bit better thanks to the GPU Clock Frequency set at 1000. I will say I did expect this game to run better battery wise, but it isn't terrible. It's playable, but definitely not as optimal as I feel it should be.

The Shortcomings of Age

A couple things to note with Yakuza 3. This game is a remaster of the 3rd game, which means that some of the old gameplay elements have been brought over to this edition of the game. This doesn't really affect the game, but it does mean combat feels a little stiff compared to the Kiwami games. There are some other little things like the leveling system feeling a bit dated, but overall, it still plays great!

I did also see a couple of reports of the game's audio de-syncing in some "revelations" cutscenes in-game, but I didn't notice it. It does help that the game doesn't have English voice acting and subtitles are there, but it can be a bit annoying. Though it wasn't something I experienced, so take it with a grain of salt.


Yakuza 3 Remastered continues the story of Kiryu and doesn't pull back. While it doesn't reach the heights of the predecessors before it, the game is a great entry and really is a ton of fun. And on the Steam Deck, this is another entry that requires little-to-no compromise to run this optimally.

Our review is based on the PC version of this game.

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SDHQ's Build Score Breakdown

Yakuza 3 Remastered continues the story of Kiryu trying to move on from his past. While the game shows its age at times, it can run pretty fantastic with some tweaking on the Steam Deck!


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Build Score

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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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Other Builds & Information

Quality Build


40 FPS Cap with 40 Refresh Rate

Half Rate Shading OFF

TDP Limit 11


GPU Clock Speed Frequency: 1000


Proton Version:

No Forced Compatibility


Game Settings:

Texture Quality: High

Texture Filtering: 16x

Shadow Quality: Ultra

LOD Distance: Maximum

Anti-Aliasing: CMAA

Render Scale: 115%

FidelityFX CAS: On

FidelityFX CAS Sharpen Level: 50



Projected Battery Usage/Temps:

15W - 18W

Around 68c - 73c temps for CPU and GPU

Around 2 - 2.5 hours of gameplay

60 FPS Build


60 FPS Cap with 60 Refresh Rate

Half Rate Shading OFF

TDP Limit 10


GPU Clock Speed Frequency: 1000


Proton Version:

No Forced Compatibility


Game Settings:

Texture Quality: High

Texture Filtering: 16x

Shadow Quality: High

LOD Distance: Mid

Anti-Aliasing: FXAA

Render Scale: 85%

FidelityFX CAS: On

FidelityFX CAS Sharpen Level: 50



Projected Battery Usage/Temps:

14W - 17W

Around 68c - 73c temps for CPU and GPU

Around 2 - 2.5 hours of gameplay

related Settings

6 comments on “Yakuza 3 Remastered”

  1. How's the battery life on the steam deck oled?
    is it any different or about the same considering that its an older pc port?

  2. Are you thinking of checking out Yakuza: Like A Dragon"?

    I am curious what settings you recommend...

    -Noah ( Also)

    1. Hey there Noah! Always good to meet like-minded names around here 😀

      Yes! I plan on going through the rest of the Yakuza series very soon. It was a busy week or so with new releases, so during that break until mid Feb, I will be covering the rest of the series.

      1. Did you find Yakuza 4 to run ok? I’m finding it always runs over 20w and drains the battery fast.

  3. Great write up as always 🙂

    Though I would say 50fps would be too low for this game, as game speed is tied to frame rate so that will slow the game considerably. It'd be the equivalent of old 50Hz PAL games running too slow.

    With Yakuza 3-5 on Deck, I found 59Hz during gameplay was a good compromise since 60Hz often had frame pacing issues, possibly due to a bad fps limiter from the games. It may then be worth intermittently putting it back to 60Hz for cutscenes.

    I also can't recommend the Silent Patch enough for this game and Yakuza 4, it considerably cuts down CPU usage with no performance penalty. Can really help reduce heat and noise 🙂

    1. I will take a look! I just heard about the Silent Patch today so I will be going in and taking another look. I didn't feel much slowdown to hurt my enjoyment of the game, but with the added bandwidth from the patch, it is possible I can push that further. Thank you for mentioning it all too!
