Moving Out 2

Posted:  Aug 12, 2023
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Moving Out 2 was provided by Team17 for review. Thank you!

I don't have many parties or times where I am playing local co-op with people in-person, but when I did, there were two games I always defaulted to: The Jackbox Party Pack and Moving Out. While Jackbox is more of a chill group of mini-games, Moving Out was a hilarious romp all about working together to move furniture out of the house, around obstacles, and into a truck. And with Moving Out 2, the sequel took everything that the original did right and made it even better.

Like the first game, this is a physics-based party game all about moving furniture around. Working alone or with friends, you will have to move large and small objects to where they need to go. You will have to not only help the citizens in your hometown of Packmore, but those in other dimensions too. Now, with the help of a cast of new and returning characters, you will travel to candy worlds, futuristic greenhouses, wizard towers, and many more unique locations to bring your moving skills to everyone! And yes, there is a story attached to it as well.


Moving Out 2 is just as addicting as the previous game, but thanks to its new features, this has become the party game to play! The brand new locations and mini-games add in some nice variety, and coupled with the ability to play online multiplayer as well as local, there's a lot of awesome moments to have both in-person and online with your friends. The game does an incredible job of expanding what made the first game so special and improved upon it. I love the game, and I love being able to play it on the Steam Deck without much issue!

Moving Out 2 - Steam Deck Performance

Playing Moving Out 2 on the Steam Deck works quite well without changing anything, but I found changing 1 setting can help battery without hurting performance too much. Setting the overall quality setting to "Not Perfect" changing some minor shadows on the outside and such, which doesn't affect the overall quality, but it can save about an average of 2W of battery. This is especially nice when playing with others, which could make the screen show more of the map.

Perfect Quality
Not Perfect Quality
Not Perfect Quality
Perfect Quality

There is a little bit of framerate jittering when watching the framerate graph, but it isn't actually noticeable when playing. There are some minor dips when entering new areas or running around a lot, but this is pretty normal for games running via Proton, so it isn't a big deal. In general, you can expect 60 FPS at around 9W - 12W battery drain for around 4 hours of on-the-go play!

I did also force compatibility to Proton GE as the opening scene for the game did not play correctly. The community fork fixes that and has no issues at all! I put a GPU Clock Speed frequency of 1200 as well for slightly added stability, but this is pretty negligible and I only noticed it with the overlay on.

Moving Out 2 does support 16:10 resolutions, so the entire Deck screen will be filled, and it has full cloud save and controller support.


Moving Out 2 is a fantastic sequel to a wonderful party game that is a must-have. The physics-based antics are hilarious and so much fun and, thanks to the added online multiplayer, it is a great game to play in-person and over the internet. The new locations and mini-games add a nice variety to the levels while the humor and addicting gameplay loop keeps me hooked and wanting more. This is a must-have party game for me and with how well it works on the Steam Deck, I would consider this a must-have in general!

Our review is based on the PC version of this game.

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SDHQ's Build Score Breakdown

Moving Out 2 is a fantastic sequel that highlights and expands what makes this series so great, all while running wonderfully on the Steam Deck.


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Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarNo Star

Build Score

Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
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Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarNo Star
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Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarNo Star
Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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