Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

Posted:  Jun 28, 2022
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is the remake of one of the most well-known JRPG games ever made. With the original being made in 1996, this remake made a ton of changes and improvements, including a graphical overhaul, real-time combat system, and expanding the story into not just 1, but 3 parts told in 3 separate games. If you loved Final Fantasy 7 and wanted to see an intricate re-telling of the original story that expands more than you would have ever thought, this is the game for you.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade On Steam Deck

FF7R on Steam Deck seems to work really well out of the box at first, but progressing through the game shows its cracks. The biggest one would be that Dynamic Resolution is automatically turned on without an in-game way of turning it off. The in-game setting selection is abysmal, only giving the option to change resolution, texture and shadow resolution, framerate cap, and characters displayed.

I was able to disable Dynamic Resolution with a mod though, which not only made the game look better, but run significantly better too. You can find this mod and how to install it below this review. With Dynamic Resolution off, I used Steam to force the resolution to 1024x640 and upscaled with FSR to save on performance, which it did while still looking very good.

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While there's slight worsening of the text, the gains in temperature and battery life are obvious and phenomenal. The 1024x600 with FSR has the disable dynamic resolution mod installed.

I tested this running through one of the most demanding areas in the game, both in the base game and its DLC, and got significantly less temps and battery usage overall while still looking better. During gameplay, I got average temps for CPU and GPU around 70c while battery usage tended to hover around 15W. I set the texture and shadow resolution to low since I felt they didn’t change a whole lot visually, but did keep the framerate more stable. I didn’t see a whole lot changed with characters displayed, so I kept it at 2 and the framerate cap can be set to 30 or 60.

If you plan to use our 40 FPS build, or switch between the two builds we provided, keep this set to 60 in-game. Though I would recommend sticking with a more stable 30 FPS as it is significantly better with temps and battery throughout the game overall. I did also try launching with DX11, but I didn't feel there was any major difference in performance to warrant it.

Testing, testing, testing...

Throughout my testing, regardless of how I set the game, there were stutters when running through areas. This is actually due to the engine this game runs on, Unreal Engine 4. On Steam Deck, when a UE4 game is loading in new assets/areas, it has been known to stutter pretty wildly. It calms down really quick, and doesn’t necessarily affect temps or battery much, but it is noticeable. Other than that, I didn’t really notice any bugs or glitches.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a wonderful fit for the Steam Deck. I have always felt like JRPGs are perfect on this device and this just confirms that. With the recommended build, I would say FF7R is very playable and an enjoyable experience. I would have loved 40 FPS to be a bit more stable, and it still is a little blurry even just getting the settings right, but it is playable. Needing to mod it to make it playable is a little bit of a nuisance too, but it is a huge help being able to disable that. Overall, I would recommend playing the game on Steam Deck, just note that it is a little process with some compromises.

Need some help understanding how we got to our score? Check out our Guide to Steam Deck HQ.

Our review is based on the PC version of this game.

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SDHQ's Build Score Breakdown

With a little modification, Final Fantasy 7 Remake can be a stable and enjoyable game to play. Though there is a little stutter that cannot be avoided, thanks to UE4, it doesn't make this game unplayable.


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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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Other Builds & Information

40 FPS


40FPS Cap with 40 Refresh Rate

Half Rate Shading OFF

TDP Limit 13

FSR Upscaling with Sharpness 5

Forced Resolution at 800x500


Proton Version:

No forced compatibility


Game Settings:

Texture and Shadow Quality: LOW

Framerate Cap: 30

Characters Displayed: 2


Projected Battery Usage/Temps:

17W - 19W with spikes to 21W

Around 70c - 80c temps for CPU and GPU

Around 1.5-2 hours of gameplay

Expect framerate instability

Necessary Mods

Dynamic Resolution Disabler:

To install, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are in Desktop mode on the deck and Download the mod from the files tab. (After making an account, I hit manual download.)
  2. Go to the directory where FF7R is installed. Easiest way to do that is right clicking your game, clicking properties, then local files, and hitting browse.
  3. Go into your "End" folder, then "Content", and then the "Paks" folder.
  4. Open your downloaded mod and move the "~mods" folder entirely into your "Paks" folder that you opened.
  5. Play!


related Settings

9 comments on “Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade”

  1. I think this review would be easier to find in search if it was titled "Final Fantasy VII" instead of "Final Fantasy 7". Most people use roman numerals when writing about Final Fantasy.

  2. Hi guys, game runs perfect with this settings, but im facing an issue, and im not sure why... everything is perfect, but in the cinematics, the sound effects are delayed about 1-2 seconds, but only the sound effects, voices are good... quite strange.

    Anyone knows this issue?

  3. Im using the following setup now, and it runs buttery smooth.
    Steam Overlay: TDP set to 12
    Refresh rate: 60
    FPS limit: 30 (tried unlimited, ingame and out of game, but limit 30 gave best results)

    1280x720 resolution

    Textures: high
    Shadows: low
    Characters displayed: 4
    FPS Limit: 30 (tried 60, 90 and 120, but it all gave worse results).

    The line remained "flat" when using steam cap and ingame cap combined.

    Game showed an average usage of 15 W on battery. So about 2,5 hours of gameplay.
    Really stable, and no need for mods.

    I do have the line "-d3d11" in the launcher options.

      1. Dynamic resolution only kicks in when playing above 30 fps.
        Then u have to tinker with .ini files to disable it.
