Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Posted:  Jan 18, 2024
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The game was provided by Graffiti Games for review. Thank you!

Over the last couple of years, there have been a couple of games that have tickled my funny bone, and towards the top of that list is Turnip Boy. His first adventure, where he commits tax evasion, is a short but hilarious game that I can't recommend enough. When a sequel was announced, I was excited to see how the story would continue and what trouble Turnip Boy would get into next. And, now that Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is here, I can happily say that it is not only a bit unexpected but also so much fun.

Unlike the first game, which was more like an RPG, you will rob banks in a semi-roguelike action adventure in Turnip Boy Robs a Bank. You will select two weapons and head into a bank, taking out cops and security guards, stealing valuable items, and collecting as much money as possible. You will use the money to buy new upgrades from the dark web and use weapons you pick up to research and unlock new ones. As you get these, you can go deeper into the bank, check out new areas, get more money, and get back out.


The gameplay loop may seem simple, but it is still a ton of fun. I had a blast shaking down civilians and trying to collect as much money as possible over and over to research new and wacky weapons. I still laugh over the gamer gun and the fact that I was able to use a cactus as a machine gun. You can also participate in side quests to get new upgrades and necessary items, which expand the lore behind the game's world and inject the humor they have perfected.

There are times when it can feel very easy. I pushed through that first boss within an hour, but I still had a lot of fun playing. The cute pixel visuals mixed with the wonderful gameplay loop permeate through the spots that feel a little easy. Like its predecessor, it isn't a very long game either, but with the humor, world, and great gameplay loop, I feel the price is very justified. And, if you are looking for a new game to play on the Steam Deck, this will be perfect.

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank - Steam Deck Performance

Playing Turnip Boy Robs a Bank on the Steam Deck is extremely easy. All you have to do is boot up the game, and you are ready to go! The resolution will look a little weird, as the game naturally doesn't take up the entire screen, but it was meant to be played this way. I did try to change the settings a bit, and I did get a crash, specifically when changing the Window Scale, but nothing needs to be changed to enjoy the game at a solid 60 FPS.

I did notice that the game locks to 60 FPS, so to keep the framerate from being a little erratic, I would recommend setting the refresh rate/fps lock to 60. There have also been a couple of times when the battery drain can spike in certain areas, but a TDP limit of 5 tends to quell that. Regardless, I never saw the drain go above 11W, and it stuck generally to 8W. This means a 6.5 - 7 hour battery on OLED and around 5-hour battery on LCD.


As for accessibility, there are a solid amount of settings to choose from. There is a full accessibility tab where you can change outlines, turn on god mode, change the damage multiplier, toggle a laser to make it easier to aim, and even turn on auto-aiming. There is a message below these options explaining that the game was made to be played by as many people as possible, and they wanted to offer options to get anyone who wants to play out of possible trouble.

Otherwise, there are settings to change language, screenshake, crosshair style, skip dialogue, change audio sliders, and modify controls and deadzone.

The game does support 16:10 resolutions, though it is designed to have bars on the right and left side of the screen. It does have full controller and cloud save support, too.


Turnip Boy Robs a Bank continues the enjoyable hilarity that the predecessor started while offering their take on a more roguelike experience. It is a bit short and can be quite easy at times, but the gameplay loop, great aesthetics, and humor stole my heart once again and made this a game I didn't want to stop playing. On the Steam Deck, the game runs extremely well, and I couldn't be happier. I am happy to say this is a Best on Deck game, and I can't recommend it enough!

Our review is based on the PC version of this game.

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SDHQ's Build Score Breakdown

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is a fantastic roguelike with so much humor. Even if it is a little short, it runs extremely well on the Steam Deck!


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Noah Kupetsky
A lover of gaming since 4, Noah has grown up with a love and passion for the industry. From there, he started to travel a lot and develop a joy for handheld and PC gaming. When the Steam Deck released, it just all clicked.
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